ESR-5000 / ESR-6000 plug-compatible routers

ESR-6000 17-Slot Chassis

Arch Convergence offers continued support for the ESR-5000 / ESR-6000 multi-service router product line. Arch Convergence provides complete systems, additional chassis, blades, and firmware updates to clients who require upgrades or wish to expand or enhance the performance of their network. Additionally, Arch Convergence is now offering many levels of support, customized to meet the specific needs of your organization.

ESR products have been publicly announced as end of sale from our OEM. With this public announcement, plans for end of sale and support by 12/31/2009 were disclosed. Arch Convergence can continue to support this product as we have been the development and delivery source since 2005.

Please visit our Product and Support pages to view the full spectrum of products and support services available.

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